The Tattle Teller is an interactive blog page where those of us with an interest to spill beans, blow whistles, pull covers, point fingers, and just down right tell on those crooked employers, cheating spouses, thieving neighbors, drug dealing thugs, community bullies, and anyone else who are criminally terrorizing the place you call home. Now you can post your stories right here on The Tattle Teller complete with video and details of the captured footage or surveillance (where legally applicable).
It is only when criminals are exposed of their crimes are they ever driven away. No one should ever have to exist in terror regardless of how bad the economy gets. These are elders, mothers and children, bright educated young men and women who are suffering. The very future of our individual families are at risk. It has for quite some time been realized that many of these criminals are our friends, family, neighbors or the friend, family, and neighbor of our friend, family, or neighbor. That has created the biggest obstacle to ending the madness. But now it has reached beyond any manageable limit. The solution is of paramount importance and urgency. Email me your video and stories and I will post them on The Tattle Teller.